Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Sunday Laws….Is this the start of it all?

Well today I stumbled over some interesting information and web sites regarding the Sunday Laws being put as law…. Well Here is the first of them happening in Europe. Croatia has begun enforcing no shopping / transactions or dealings on a Sunday.

Firstly more information about this Law – known as the blue law -

Blue Laws

Now, I have been thinking who would first start enforcing this law….well Europe seems to be the place… Croatia being the first: This poor guy was fined for trading on a Sunday.

Baker in Croatia

Here is another article explaining the people trying to get the ban lifted by the government.

Shopping Ban Article

I am busy trying to find out if any more have has this enforced as yet or if any are currently pending this action. I will feedback more information as soon as I have it.


God Bless