Wednesday, October 15, 2008

More Great Videos!!

Hello All,

I would like to share another great Lecturer available through the DVD ministry.
His name is David Asscherick - he is also amazing with regards to Bible Prophecy.
I have his complete series - D i s c o v e r P r o p h e c y series.
If you would like to check him out and also watch the first 6 lectures on the internet - head on over to his site.

Download the first 6 guides to fill in as you go along in the lectures - click on the video "Click here" links to start playing his lectures. They are about an 1hr each - but well worth watching. You can order them from the same site or get a copy through me..... there are many DVD ministries around the world to help you get a copy of any of these great guys for a little as possible. Most of the people take donations or money to just cover the cost - but believe me - they are worth the money!! Please provide feedback as to how you find David's information here on this page.

God bless


n3m3s1s4u said...

Luk 6:22 Blessed are you when men hate you, And when they exclude you, And revile you, and cast out your name as evil, For the Son of Man's sake.